A Blog of Very Little Brain

'What does Crustimoney Proseedcake mean?' said Pooh. 'For I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words Bother me.'

Posts Tagged ‘AJAX


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del.icio.us has become delicious.com, which, sans the domain name cleverness, really reminds me how the actual service name is silly, but enough about that.

I’ve been an avid user of the se.rvi.ce for the past (oldest remaining bookmark is from Sept. 06), but didn’t really *use* it other than a bookmarking service. That is I rarely used the web interface and mostly used it via the Firefox extension. I’ve hardly used the “social” features, or any other elements other than saving bookmarks across browsers/computers. So with this in mind, here are what I think of the new site.

The new look is definitely “new”, it has that sick, washed out, color scheme that is been associated with Web 2.0. Nothing of the healthy blue of before; on the other hand, the site is now fully AJAX-ian, so its a bit less quirky.

My constant annoyance with the web-interface was that the display settings were cookie-based. Meaning that with every new computer/browser I used, they would default to the long tag-based display, and not the alphabetical tag-cloud I preferred. This was solved interestingly by eliminating the entire display customizing feature (or hiding it really, really well). Tag bundling is slightly less annoying, it’s basically the same interface, but with better coloring and highlighting choices.

As before, none of the social features are of any interest to me, here.

Also, it appears that the service, which used to be Perl’s social flagship has now been re-written using languages that are not Perl. Oh well.

Written by Erez

Saturday, August 2, 2008 at 11:45

Posted in Internet

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